Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My self!!

hello everyone,,,i am cherrish lolor,but my family and friends call me lovely or love for my nickname,i am 20 years old only and i am single.
presently i'm working now as cashier and taking a tutorial for computer trouble shooting and other services related in computer.
my little hobby is watching movies,i like horror,but also i like that movie can touch my soul and heart,but i am not saying to much dramatic.i like that when i watching i can relate my self.but honestly yea,,,,sometimes i'm being emotional.
i am music lover this is my number one hobby,listening music mostly in my friendster.of course i like love song' what i said in movie also in music.i can't live with out music,because music complete my life in my everyday make me smile and laugh,sometimes make me emotional.(you want to know the reason why i'm being emotional sometimes because of music??just ask me?)but i really really love music.but i can't understand why music can live with out me??,,,,hu,hu,hu,hu,it's hurt you know?
also i play volleyball before but now,no i had to stop it co'z in my last time i played i'm being injured the reason why i have to stop and quiting to play my favorite play.but now i love to play computer games,like online games AUDITION,& WAR CRAFT DOTA.but dota is not online games.and other computer games,but mostly this two wanna play dota with me he, he, he,im just asking and kidding,,,,,,,
by the i am friend ly person, other friends said"i am a nice friend and nice person"but i am not agreed ha ha ha,,,joke.just kidding!!!!!!!i think yea,because if i'm not a good person and friend i think i don't have a lot of friend its means i'm nice friend coz i have a lot and he reason why i have four friendster accunt!
so if you want to visit my friendster account?here is my four user name,,,
and alos my friend cutie tim account's i made this for you can visit also there
if you send me your friend request?i will accept you and i added you in my friends list
and i wish we can build a good and long term friendship.and also i have photo montage in the category are friend,bday/aniversary. in youtube here is the link
09109609125 and timvdh89 this is my two account's in youtube.hope you watch my own photo montage.
to al my friends already here thank you so much for being there for me.
and for those visitor's and reader's thank you for visitng and read my profile thank you very very much for dropping by.
hummm.......i think this is all for now this me, my self.maybe next time i'm here i will write more about my life,my fast,my dreams.i will tell and write here more about about me not only in my personal life of course for our country.
take care always and godbless you always...
and gobless you all!!!!!!!!!